Comvivo is a wireless monitoring solution for patients and staff in the healthcare sector. It supports a broad range of sensors, from small location tags to monitor babies, patients and equipment, to nurse call and lone worker mobile call buttons and fall detectors, to activity and vital sign sensors, and even climate sensors. The system uses Vigisense's Bluetooth Low Energy base stations strategically located across the care settings.
With this new generation of devices, Vigisense aims at enabling high levels of variety, convenience and affordability in the field of care monitoring, safety and workflow management for care homes, hospitals and domiciliary care organisations. The solution delivers more safety and more personalised care at lower costs.
The solution leverages Vigisense's new Bluetooth Smart base station system and configuration protocol. It combines this wireless network infrastructure with its proven Vigimage software platform, including its powerful data analytics and notification engine.
Added services and benefits to customers
In addition to its natural competencies as a nurse call and duress system, Comvivo offers improved functions and ergonomics across several applications :
- Personalised discrete monitoring of selected vital signs for selected care home residents, to track their general well-being when staff needs evidence to support care decisions, the degradation of their health or specific condition over time when a concern, the response to medications
- Smarter, more ergonomic anti-wandering systems for people with dementia or cognitive impairments, and by extension against baby snatching in maternity wards
- Lone worker and duress protection systems with more awareness of contributing events or environment
- More accurate monitoring and scheduling of mobile equipment in large hospital departments
- More accurate management of waiting queues and schedules at hospital's ambulatory clinics, resulting in productivity gains for admission clerks, for nurses and doctors
How it works
Vigisense's base stations record presence, location and interactions, as well as capture the data of nearby Bluetooth sensors and Vigisense Bluetooth gateway for other kind of sensors. They send them onward to a server and Vigisense's data analytics solutions. From there, threshold and behaviour analysis can be performed and trigger messages or further Machine-to-Machine processes. It is also possible to configure the detection range of a base station to enable status-specific responses or automation procedures in relation with a single, precise location, or the distance between the wearer and a pre-defined equipment.
Unlike other Bluetooth wearable sensor data transmission and analytics solutions, Vigisense's new technology does not require the user to carry a smartphone, can be configured to keep the data in private networks, and enables the output of several types of sensors or call devices, supplied by Vigisense or by other manufacturers approved by Vigisense, to be processed by a single organisation-centric software solution.
Wireless Nurse Call and Health Indicator Monitoring
In the Western world's care homes, more than 49% of residents suffer from cardio-vascular troubles, almost 47% from hypertension, and more than 19% from diabetes. These are all conditions that can benefit from regular, convenient, basic monitoring. A large proportion of the care home population is also subject to psychiatric troubles, adding to the need for supervision.
Vigisense believes that all residents should be entitled to personal monitoring programs according to their needs. Therefore Vigisense's Comvivo product range offers a selection of wearable devices with various features, from simple location tags, to call buttons, safety sensors, and vital sign indicators. All connected to the same network, they seamlessly report to the same monitoring solution and remain interchangeable.
Monitoring health-related parameters on-the-go, and coupling this capability to the ubiquitous nurse call systems, has a significantly positive impact on the care burden for the staff, quality of life of residents and costs for the healthcare system.
Vigisense's Comvivo Bluetooth Low Energy system is designed to integrate data from a whole world of compatible sensing devices, Vigisense's or approved third-party's.
For organisations expecting lower levels of future-proof design and personalisation features, Vigisense offers a second system: Ekotek with Vigimage. It is a robust, self-contained, fully battery-operated radio solution with high degrees of reliability and convenience in nurse call and personal safety applications. Developed prior to Comvivo, it boasts more than 500 installations world-wide
Anti-wandering and Presence detection
Wandering is a well-known issue for care home residents. This happens to residents with severe cognitive impairments. In Europe, an average 17% of the care home population are at risks of wandering and 40% have troubles with orientation. Institutions are increasingly concerned by the issue and many monitor the residents for this risk.
For this reason, all mobile devices of Vigisense's Bluetooth range, including the Wireless Nurse Call and Health Indicator Monitoring devices, are configured to monitor location accurately and report wandering events on request.
The wireless base stations associated to this system include relays able to switch control access or other electrical device on and off.
Baby tagging and abduction prevention
Thankfully, baby abduction cases in maternity are infrequent. But when they occur, it is a trauma for the parents, the healthcare institution and the local community at large. In recent surveys of hospital security directors, this issue ranks higher than fire alarms, emergency lighting, and backup generators.
Vigisense's devices worn by the babies are made of a re-usable sensor and a disposable band. In Vigisense's design, reducing the size of the device was a top priority. Leveraging Bluetooth technologies allowed to reduce the size of the electronics to the format a coin.
The wireless base stations associated to this system include relays able to switch control access or other electrical device on and off.
Equipment tracking and workflow automation
For many hospitals and large clinics, managing thousands of costly, mobile equipments is challenging and labor-intensive. A significant portion of asset inventories are lost, stolen or misplaced, impacting productivity every day.
Vigisense's asset location devices are small, non-intrusive and easy to install. The system can lower inventory expenses and shorten equipment search times, prevent theft and automate maintenance with real-time visibility into the location and status of equipment (i.e. sterilized/unsterile, broken/fixed, in use/available).
Location is not the only upside of such systems. When coupled with the appropriate software solutions, services can include workflow automation (routine tasks like bed turns, patient discharge, room turnover and patient flow, patient transport, on-call physician scheduling, etc.).
Duress and Lone Worker
The lone worker protection no longer looks like a black box with a red button.
Vigisense's duress and lone worker system is built on the same principles as its nurse call and health indicator solution. To generic features like call button, accelerometer and accurate location reporting for danger zones, it can add vital sign or environment data to detect faster and better unexpected behaviours or events. The information can be formatted and transmitted to a large variety of messaging devices.
The wireless base stations associated to this system include relays able to switch control access or other electrical device on and off.
Alzheimer support - The MyAmego® solution
The MyAmego® system and its monitoring software combine with the Comvivo equipment to support caregivers and care staff looking after people with dementia, cognitive impairments and other long-term mental health conditions.
In communal living environments such as care homes, assisted living and hospitals, MyAmego® can be used both as a standalone ‘passive’ system generating automatic alerts and messages or linked to nurse call systems: and is used for maintaining and enabling lifestyle choices such as mobility, independence and enhancing dignity, while safeguarding staff and residents. The system is ideal for any organisation looking to consistently promote, deliver and evidence high quality person centred care and ongoing assessment.
MyAmego® enables users to maintain their quality of life and a degree of ‘independence’ without the need for constant intrusive monitoring by carers. It gives both service user and carer the confidence that risks to the individual are being monitored and alerted.
- Manages personal risk profiles
- Sends automatically real-time notifications in a broad range of risk situations linked to the expected daily activities and behaviours of patients
- Monitors behaviour changes and trends over a period
- Tracks wellness and health condition indicators
- Provides care and behaviour evidences for use with doctors, carers, families...
MyAmego is a solution designed by MyAmego Healthcare Ltd and developed by Vigisense.
MyAmego Healthcare Ltd, based in Cambridge UK, is a sister company of Vigisense.
MyAmego Healthcare Ltd, based in Cambridge UK, is a sister company of Vigisense.